Human And Institution Building

The formation and strengthening of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) with special focus on women, children, marginal farmers and the differently abled is a key focus of TSSS.

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Family Development Programs(FDP)

Societies can’t be developed unless families are made to stand on their own. This programe envisages  a sound family for a sound society.

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Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)

Rehabilitating the Differently Abled and Persons with Mental Illness in the mainstream of society is the objective of this program.

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Natural Resource Management(NRM)

Promotion and preservation of natural resources and thereby contributing to the ecological balance and sustainable agricultural practices is a priority of TSSS.

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Entrepreneurship & Livelihood Development Program(

Empowering people to undertake viable micro enterprises with employment and income generating activities which would in turn bring about self-reliant development to meet the changing needs of the time.

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Human Resource Development & Management

The Human Resource of an organization reflects the success of the organization. Hence, enhancement of human resource development and management of the rural poor through participatory learning and action is ever re...

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Community Health & Insurance Department(CHID)

This department aims at promoting the health of village people and building their social consciousness on preserving positive co-habitation unto the fullness of life.

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Housing And Sanitation

Actualization of own livable house in a clean surrounding  for the houseless people in Kannur and Kasargod Districts.

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School Social Work

School social work aims at the integrated development of children within the school settings by working with all the stakeholders namely the students, parents, teachers, management and the community...

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Child Line

Child line is a National, 24-hour, free, emergency telephone helpline and outreach service for children in need of care and protection. The Child line toll free number is 1098. This project of  Central Ministry of Wo...

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Kerala Labour Movement (KLM)

Tellicherry Social Service Society(TSSS) is the official social work organ of the Archdiocese of Tellicherry.Started in 1966,it caters of the socially and economically disadvantaged sec...

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Training, Research & Documentation

Tellicherry Social Service Society(TSSS) is the official social work organ of the Archdiocese of Tellicherry.Started in 1966,it caters of the socially and economically disadvantaged sections...

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