Human And Institution Building

The formation and strengthening of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) with special focus on women, children, marginal farmers and the differently abled is a key focus of TSSS.

Credit Union (Paraspara Sahaya Suhrudsangham)

  • Credit and Savings
  • Developmental Programme and Welfare Schemes
  • Training and Awareness Programme
  • Campaign Against Social Evils
  • Collaborative Endeavors with PRIs
  • Research and Documentation
  • Sanganidhi
  • Micro-enterprises
  • Self-employment Schemes

Women Development Programme (WDP)

  • Formation of Mahila Seva Sangams (MSS), Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Adolescent Girls Clubs
  • Income and Employment Generation Programme
  • Sthree Prathikaranavedi
  • Human Rights Based Approach against trafficking of Women & Children
  • Training and Awareness Programme
  • Research and Documentation
  • Micro-enterprises
  • Collaborative endeavors with PRIs
  • Self-employment Scheme

Promotion and Protection of Child Rights

  • Formation of Children’s groups
  • Protection of Children’s Rights
  • Personality Development Program
  • Social Awareness program
  • Children’s Saving Fund
  • Social Action Wing
  • Scholarship program